Monday, June 16, 2008

"And there's no kneecap there, as you'll notice."

Ok, I know that you're all expecting me to talk about the Lakers' win over the Celtics yesterday in game 5 of the NBA Finals. Honestly, I'm just really busy right now and don't have time to really disect that game or even begin to MENTION that atrocious game four COLLAPSE!!! ... Even though I just mentioned it...

...Anyway, I just saw this news headline on NBA TV while taking a break from work: "Clippers G Shaun Livingston cleared for basketball activities. Are you kidding me?!?!?! In case you don't remember, about a year and a half ago, Livingston tried to become an overnight contortionist, and it didn't work out for him. This was just nasty, and I wouldn't watch it if you're easily nauseated!!! Ralph Lawler's reaction to it was priceless and really caught the emotion of the building, I thought, when he said "...Oh Dear... oh..." I was going to put the video on here, but you really shouldn't be subjected to that video (Or the inevitable montage of soccer injuries that will follow... and especially not that footage of Allan Ray's Eye) without proper warning.

Anyway, Congratulations to Shaun Livingston, who is a very nice kid and has worked hard just to get back to the point where he can put pressure on his leg, much less walk on it and do the unbelievable - play basketball t an NBA level again.

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