Thursday, March 6, 2008

Save the Seattle SuperSonics!!!

I have been a Lakers fan since a few months before I was born. Hell, I'm not a fan, I AM a Laker!!! Just as much as Kobe, Lamar, Derek and Dr. Buss!!! In fact, I've been here since '83 so I'm longer tenured than them. Since the first game against Denver in the 1997-1998 season, I have not missed a single game (I've only attended three in person, but I've seen every pre-season, regular season and playoff game since that season). The last few years, I've even gotten down to CSULB and watched a bunch of summer league games on NBATV. In 2001, I even missed my own father's wedding for a Playoff game. He knew better than to plan a June Wedding anyway.

My point is this: I felt bad for Sonics fans before, but after reading both of Bill Simmons' Save The Sonics Mailbags, I got to thinking of Eddie Jones and Gary Payton showing us what it meant to play suffocating deffense against each other. In 1998, when both teams had 61 wins (which was just amazing because neither were 1st in the conference and Jordan's Bulls were better than anyone!), I can still hear Chick Hearns saying "Eddie Jones had SIX Blocked shots! Can you believe that!?!?" and then Stu Lantz saying in that laid back drawl of his, "That. Is a Lot... of Blocks..." after a Sonics/Lakers playoff game that year. I thought about all of the many fond memories I, as a Lakers fan, have about the Seattle Supersonics and this is the conclusion that I have come to. If/When the Sonics are Torn away from Seattle, I will not indulge the new franchise in any way. I will not attend, watch, or acknowledge the existence of a single Lakers/Rodeo Clowns game. As far as I'm concerened, the Lakers will have 79 games on the schedule. If someone asks me about the game, I'll say "What? The Lakers aren't playing tonight..." with a confused look on my face.

Furthermore, I will not support or acknowledge the existence of this new franchise in any way, except when discussing how terrible it was that the Supersonics were torn away from Seattle. If they make the playoffs, and win, the NBA has no champion. If a team beats them in the playoffs and wins the Championship, they will get an asterisk in my mind (*Lakers received a BY in round one because there is no OKC franchise). That's right, I'm committing to miss Lakers Playoff games if necessary.

I hereby pledge to join Seattle fans in Seattle for some sort of non-violent protest when planned. Instead of Save Our Sonics, I'll hold a Save Our NBA sign or something like that.

Finally, I will campaign, both publicly and privately, for all Lakers and Clippers fans in this city to do the same. Everyone, join me!!! If these stories don't touch you, you don't have a heart! Seriously, you might want to get that checked out. It's not healthy... Mr. Stern.

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